Your Yoga Week on Mallorca

Your yoga week on Mallorca in a small finca hotel starts on March 30, 2024!

There are single and double rooms including breakfast and dinner.

We start the day with 90 minutes of yoga, all levels, pranayama, asanas and shavasana!

After a good breakfast, you can explore this beautiful landscape on hikes in the Tramuntana mountains, past olive groves and almond trees. Or maybe you would like to visit one of the typical markets and Artá, Inca or Santanyi. There are plenty of options on the island.

In the late afternoon we meet for the second yoga session of the day.

We will end the evening with a shared dinner and a cozy get-together, where we will also have the opportunity to exchange ideas and delve deeper into the various yoga topics.

If your partner is not a yogi, he/she does not have to take part in the retreat.

For further information send me a E-mail or WhatsApp News.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Namasté Petra

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